Sunday, July 8, 2007


Seriously, what do you want in life? A vacation, Time with your kid's, a relationship with your spouse like you've always dreamed of, A spiritual journey that's like no other, a closer relationship with Christ, a nicer care? What? What is it that your heart desires?

You know a nice car is fine, a great vacation is just great, but honestly, it all comes from the Lord, and I want what He wants.

You know, MLM's a lot of times focus on the money aspect of what people can attain in their lives. Financial freedom.

and while financial freedom is great, I desire a better, more meaningful stake in this life. I would love an annual vacation, but more so I desire to serve God and to live out what he wants for me life. Think it about - contemplate about it, what is it you want? What does God want to do in your life?


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