Sunday, July 1, 2007

Why MonaVie Is A No-Brainer!

1. If you could have envisioned the huge wave of appreciation that was going to sweep the South Florida property market 6 years ago, think about what you could have done to position yourself out in front of the wave and the MILLIONS you could have made had you known! In much the same way, there is a huge wave of opportunity just hitting right now that will carry us yet again for the foreseeable future and it is driven by the largest generation our country has ever seen – the baby boomers. The wellness industry is exploding right now and will continue to explode. Getting involved with MonaVie now is positioning you RIGHT OUT IN FRONT of the wave.

2. When I got started in the insurance and financial services business I didn't give any thought to the direction of the industry as a whole that I was getting into. I simply looked at the potential of the business, the characteristics, and their match with my personality and strengths to determine if I could be good at it and if I would like what my life would be like a few years down the road. I still feel that was a good analysis I made, however today I look at business opportunities with an additional factor that I now realize is essential to creating massive success. I look at the direction of the industry. I want to know that I am getting involved in something that is hot. Something that is desired and interesting to many people right now. This makes it super easy to be successful. Right now, wellness is hot. There are more people than ever who are interested in, and open minded to new, alternative, PROACTIVE ways that they can become younger and healthier. With MonaVie, we are perfectly positioned to leverage this. This is one of the major reasons why MonaVie is exploding RIGHT NOW and will continue to explode for years to come - TIMING. The timing couldn't be more perfect.

3. Talk about timing, the wellness industry is one of the fastest growing industries in our country right now. In 2002 it was a $200 Billion industry. It is projected to be greater than $1 Trillion by 2010. The FASTEST GROWING SEGMENT of the wellness industry is the FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE segment. That means nutritional beverages like MONAVIE. As if that weren't compelling enough, Maria Ramirez, CEO of MFR Securities, who was recognized as the World's Foremost Financial Forecaster by The Wall Street Journal commented that "Within the nutritional beverage category, MonaVie is positioned perfectly for exponential growth. I fully expect them to become the prominent driver within this category over the coming years." SO, this means that when you are promoting MonaVie, you are promoting a product that not only provides serious results for people, but is positioned to be the leader of the fastest growing segment of one of the fastest growing industries in our country right now.

4. It's like paddling down a river with the current going in YOUR direction instead of against you. The current alone will help you get to your destination. You have a tailwind.

5. Dr. Nicholas Perricone is a three time best-selling author and a guru in the anti-aging field. In his most recent best seller entitled The Perricone Promise, his promise is that if you follow his program you will remove 10 years off your appearance in 30 days. Part of that program includes eating what he calls 10 super foods for "age-defying beauty". Guess what the first food is on that list. You guessed it! Acai berry. It is the #1 most nutritious fruit or vegetable on the planet. MonaVie’s headliner fruit in it’s 19 fruit blend is, you guessed it – the ACAI berry.

6. Last year I had a major personal breakthrough. I realized that in order to be completely financially free, I don't need to have $8 million in the bank. All I need is enough residual/passive income to cover my living expenses. This made sense to me before, but I really digested it and GOT it this time. When I finally really got it, I changed a lot of things I was doing in my career and investments. Instead of trying to maximize my WEALTH I began focusing all my energy on how I could maximize my PASSIVE income. I began looking at all the ways I could spend my time, money and energy and identified the way that would produce the maximum amount of passive income in the least amount of time - MonaVie.

7. Distributing a product through a network is one of the most brilliant distribution models that exist, especially for wellness products that produce a different experience of life for those who take the products.

Imagine you are the president of a nutritional beverage company. People's lives actually change when they drink your product consistently. You have $20 million of your budget allocated for marketing. You have two choices to market your product – (1) Stock it on the shelves of health food stores, run TV ads, radio ads, magazine ads, etc. and hope that people will come in to the store asking for your product, (2) Put that $20 million back in the hands of your customers who drink the product and experience the life changing physical benefits. You pay them a commission to share their amazing experience with others. Others begin drinking the juice and experiencing the benefits and share it with others, and so on and so on.


8. I researched a few different companies and tried their products before deciding on going with Monavie. I wanted to go with a company whose product I believed in, the company that would have the greatest chance for success and whose product sold itself. I found a few great companies and few great products, and still, MonaVie is the hands down, obvious choice.

Here's why: I found a fantastic company called Synergy with a great executive team, a terrific compensation plan, but so many products it made my head spin. It was confusing and complicated. Way too much to learn, way too much to do to take the products and I just don't have the time. I realized most people wouldn't either. I crossed them off the list. I found a company with a product I really liked called Vibe. I liked that it was one product and I liked that it was a liquid which is more attractive to almost everyone than pills. Plus I know liquid supplements are assimilated easier. The problem was that the packaging made the product look like it was produced in a laboratory, which was also an indication of the inexperience of the executive team. The company is growing but not exploding like some others. The most challenging aspect of Vibe is that the taste was such a strong, bitter, citrus flavor that it makes your jaw muscle curl up in knots. I was envisioning people rubbing their jaws at tastings, disgusted. Finally I found MonaVie. One simple product whose main ingredient, the acai berry, is SUPER HOT and getting a lot of media attention. The packaging is brilliant and beautiful. The product tastes GREAT. The executive team and the medical team that designed the blend have extraordinary credentials and experience. The compensation plan is an amazingly lucrative version of the new generation binary plan which is super important. The company is JUST GETTING STARTED. The timing is perfect as they are beginning to explode.

9. This product gets REAL RESULTS. Most people say, "If I believe in it I will share it with everyone." I am confident when I give it to someone that has any type of pain, migraines, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a number of other ailments, that it's most certainly going to produce results. The product SELLS ITSELF. I just need to get people to look into it and try it. How easy is that?

10. I saw a movie last week. I was so excited about it that I talked about it with people all week. I sent over 10 people to see it. Steven Spielberg didn't give me any money back. Why not drink something that will get me excited, talk about it and share it with others just the same, BUT GET PAID BIG TIME for it?

11. In what other business can you get started for less than $500 and create positive cash flow in your first month, let alone thousands of dollars of residual income on an automatic weekly basis in less than a year?

12. No employees to control. No assets, machinery, equipment or buildings to be concerned about. Go anywhere and your business comes with you. Work whenever you want. Work in your underwear by phone from home or in a suit in front of an audience if you want. Work on your terms. Position yourself for financial freedom like you've never experienced before in your life in less than a year.

13. Everyone can do it. Stay at home mom's make more than major executives and brokers in this business. Contractors, hair dressers, personal trainers are all having major success with it. It doesn't matter what you do. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else and so on.

14. You can't run out of customers! How many people out there have back pain, high blood pressure, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, fibro miralgia, ADD, autism, etc.? I rest my case.

15. This is already a real-time trackable phenomenon. Different from real estate or the stock market where it is much harder to anticipate trends, we are watching MonaVie explode in front of our eyes. For those who seize the opportunity, they will participate in what is already a massive, global phenomenon.

16. With MonaVie you can avoid the “If only I’da” disease which many people suffer from today. “If only I’da invested in that stock.” Or “If only I’da bought that piece of real estate in [you name the city] five years ago.” Right this second we are on the front end of a major boom. It’s not a mystery or a secret that anyone is coveting. The exact opposite is the reality. You have thousands of people in the MonaVie business who are willing to share with you and teach you exactly how to become successful. All it takes is action and following a proven set of steps that have already been put in place and are working as we speak for thousand and thousands of people just like you and me. That’s the brilliance and magic of this model. The better you do, the better I do and vice versa, and so on and so on.

18. Get in on the “ground floor”. You’ve heard it said over and over. Getting in on an opportunity “ground floor” is where real revolutionary growth occurs. Can you imagine buying some shares of IBM, Microsoft, GE or AT&T stock right as they were first going public? “Ground floor, baby!” Here’s your opportunity.

19. We are experiencing a massive shift in local and global economies and the way business is conducted. We are also going through rapid changes and transformation in the way products, goods, and services are delivered to the consumer. MonaVie is riding the crest of that wave and is right on the cutting edge in all of these respects.

20. If you haven’t been “DOWNSIZED” yet, you know someone who has. Going into business for yourself is one of the key ways to create wealth and financial independence. Couple that with the component of exponential growth through the brilliance of MonaVie’s New Generation Binary compensation plan and you have a slam dunk.

21. Freedom. Create your own freedom with MonaVie. Why do people cling to dead-end jobs creating wealth for someone else? The answer is usually “security”. What is achieved in prisons called “maximum security” facilities? The results are unnervingly similar. Do you want freedom? Jump on the MonaVie locomotive to your own financial freedom.

22. Baby boomers have driven every economic trend in this country for the last 25-35 years. There are 74 million of them. They are now driving the trend towards wellness. And it’s just the beginning.

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